Day 37: Sammy

Meet Sammy, my neighbour's cat. We have an ongoing battle, which I'm winning! The previous owners of my home used to let him indoors but lots of my family have allergies so I don't allow him in. He is still very determined, even though he's only made it indoors once during the four years I've lived here. Sometimes he sits as close to my front door as he possibly can and visitors have to step over him to get into the house whilst making sure he stays firmly on the outside.


  1. He posed very nicely for your photo! All the cats in my street too are keen visitors. I've lived here longer than they have so it's not a habit thing for them. I try to keep them out ... don't want the responsibility.

  2. Very beautiful kitty neighbour & such a great photo. I bet his parents would like a copy :)


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